On 23 August 2016, Dr. A K M Mahtab Hossain, the representative from University of Greenwich visited Daffodil International Academy (DIA), the renowned education provider of Bangladesh.
The representative attended the series of meeting with the management committee, faculty staffs and students separately in the day long program. He has also visited the physical infrastructure of DIA. Mr. Larren Heah Yeow Kuan, Academic Development Manager (Asia) of NCC Education, UK; Mr. Md. Sabur Khan, the Chairman of DIA & Daffodil Group, Mr. Mohammad Nuruzzaman, the Executive Director of DIA and other high officials of DIA were present at the occasion. The objective of his visit was to check the quality assurance (QA Visit) of University of Greenwich Programs at DIA. The representatives expressed his highest satisfaction at the end of their visit. It is here to mention that the University of Greenwich (UoG) recognizes B. Sc (Honâs) in IT programs of DIA. In this system of education, the students study the syllabus provided by the UoG, question papers are set and exam scripts are checked in the UoG and final exams are conducted by the British council.