On June 14, 2016 a 6 members high powered delegates from Cardiff Metropolitan University
(UK) lead by Ms. Beverley Smith, Deputy Dean, Academic Standards and Quality Unity visited
Daffodil International Academy (DIA), a renowned education provider of Bangladesh. The other
members of the delegate are Mr. Theo Koukouravas – Deputy Dean, Cardiff School of
Management and Head of Partnerships, Ms Ayette Bounouri â Standards and Quality Officer,
Mr. Andrew Miles â Senior Lecturer, Cardiff School of Sport, Ms. Claire Salmon â External
Panellist, Mr Bruce Sheppy  – External Pannelist.
 The delegates attended the series of meeting with the management committee, faculty members
and students separately in the day long program. The delegates also visited the environmental
and infrastructural facilities of DIA. Mr. Md. Sabur Khan, Chairman of DIA & Daffodil Group,
Mr. Mohammad Nuruzzaman, Executive Director of DIA and other high officials of DIA were
present during their visit. The objective of this visit was to justify the provable feasibility of
conducting the quality (QA Visit) of Cardiff Metropolitan University Programs at DIA. The
delegation expressed their high satisfaction at the end of their visit.