

1. All information mentioned in the ‘Admission Form’ is accepted in good faith. Any false declaration in any field of the form will expel the student from DIA.
2. Change of address and contact number(s) must be informed to the management. DIA will not be responsible for any lost mail.
3. An enrolled student of DIA is bound with the agreement that he/she will follow the course and pay the required fees in due time.
4. Students unable to join/continue the course must inform the management of DIA in a written form for future reference.
5. Admission fees are not refundable.

6. DIA enrolled students must attend every exam, assignment or evaluation criteria. Failure to do so, the guardian of the students may be informed forthwith.
7. If any student remains absent in any exam, he/she has to pay Tk. 200/- for each exam as a fine.
8. Classes will 00 00 between Saturday-Thursday, minimum 20 hours/week. In case of special classes or on instruction of the teacher, the students have to come on Friday.
9. Enrolment at DIA does not give the confirmation that the student is also enrolled at NCC / ACCA / UK University. Lawfulness, Attendance, Performance and Tuition Status will be considered for the enrolment in such respect.
Students must follow the following rules to be allowed for the registration:
a. A student must attend at least 80% classes in each module.
b. A student must attend all the assessments (Quiz, Class Test, Assignment, Presentation, Model Test etc.).
c. Pass mark in a module is 40%.
d. If the overall performance of a student is below 40%, the module teacher may not allow his for the registration.
10. The final grade of elective modules will be calculated as follows:
a. Final mark is calculated as per NCC & UoG rules
b. Overall performance is calculated %based on attendance, quiz, Model test, assignment and presentation.
c. A student must pass in both CW and LE separately.
d. The grading system: As per NCC & UoG grading Systems
11. For the DIA diploma or short courses the assessment criteria is as follows:
a. Final Exam: 75%; Class Test : 15%; Attendance 10%
b. The grading system: A+: 91 – 100; A : 81- 90; B+ : 71 – 80; B: 61 – 70; C+: 51 – 60 C : 41 – 50; F: Below 40

12. Students must pay their tuition fees on or before the 10th of every month. In case of failure the student will have to pay Tk. 50/ per day as a fine till he/she pays the fees. If the default duration exceeds 60 days, then the student’s enrolment will be cancelled from DIA.
13. The student re-enrolment fee is Tk. 7500/-. The management of DIA will finalize the decision of re-enrolment of any particular student.
14. To transfer a batch students must pay Tk. 5000/- as transfer fee.
15. DIA reserves the right to change the fees structure of any course without any prior notice.
16. Late admittance will also have to pay the full course fees.
17. All types of paid fees are non refundable unless mentioned ‘refundable’.
18. Students must receive printed receipt with the authorized signature whenever they pay any sort of fees. DIA will not be responsible in any case to confirm the payment of student without above mentioned document. The students should keep the receipts carefully. The receipts may be asked for any time
19. DIA reserves the right to list the name of the defaulter students anytime, anyway and anywhere.

20. Every student must collect his/her ID card within one month of enrolment. ID card will be ceased in case of the expulsion of any student.
21. Students must wear the ID card within the premises.
22. Distinction holders in all modules will get scholarship of Tk. 1000/month; credit holder will get Tk. 500/month for the next year course. The courses for such consideration are: IFY, L4DC, L5DC, L4DB, L5DB.
23. Students can use the facility of the laser printer only for final project with the approval of the teacher.
24. Every student must read the main notice board in the website and campus.
25. If management finds anyone involving in any politics or unlawful activities then he/she will be expelled from the institute.
26. DIA reserves the right to expel any student from the institute if the management thinks that the student is harmful for the institute.
27. Every student is bound to follow the discipline, manners and code of conduct of DIA. In case of any breach of any rules DIA reserves the right to take action against the student.
28. Students will have to follow prescribed application format available at for any purpose such as ‘Leave of Absence’, ‘Batch Transfer’ etc. Any kind of application should be submitted to the Academic Counselor or class teacher.
29. If any student find or face any problem he / she should communicate with the class teacher regarding the problem and act according to the class teacher’s Instruction.
Notes DIA Management reserves the right to change, add or edit any of the rules when needed.

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